Same-Day Flower Delivery in Phuket – Express Your Love Instantly
We are happy to make bouquets that we ourselves would like to receive.
* Prices are indicated at the time of sale in THAI BAHT.
Composition, size and shades may vary due to availability and seasonality.
Each order is discussed individually.

14130 THB
BB_400/55 - Bouquet of 101 red roses in an interior basket

20500 THB
BB_600 - Bouquet in an XL basket, in delicate pink and white tones with the addition of lilac shades

9150 THB
BB_265 - Bouquet in pink and white with the addition of green shades in an interior basket size M

14130 THB
BB_400/55 - Bouquet of 101 white roses in an interior basket

17200 THB
BB_500 - Bouquet in an XL basket, in delicate pink and white tones with the addition of lilac shades

17200 THB
BB_500 - Bouquet in white with the addition of peach and pink shades in an interior basket

11000 THB
BB_300 - Bouquet in delicate colors in a basket of size L

19700 THB
BB_570/5 - Bouquet in rich red and burgundy tones with the addition of lilac shades in an XL basket.

11000 THB
BB_320 - Bouquet in white and pink tones with the addition of cherry shades in a basket size M

6500 THB
BB_178- Bouquet in peach and white tones with the addition of green shades in basket S

24000 THB
BB_700 - Bouquet in white colors in an XL size interior basket

11500 THB
BB_345 - Bouquet of 15 hydrangeas in an XL basket

14300 THB
BB_390 - Bouquet of 19 hydrangeas in an XL basket

17200 THB
BB_500 - Bouquet in delicate colors in an XL size basket

12000 THB
BB_350 - Bouquet in white and pink tones in an interior basket size L